Protecting user accounts with passwords only has never been a prime example of top security. While one could argue that there are certain sites that don’t store any personality information and where a simple username and password combination is secure enough, this is not necessarily true. Due to password recycling even these can be a potential stepping stone for hackery. As a result, two-factor authentication even in the case of WordPress is advisable. Using a tool like Telegram is an optimal choice for this. It is supremely secure, user-friendly, free and most importantly it has a bot solution that serves this purpose perfectly.
Case Studies
While a vast majority of our cases were success stories, there are some examples that we are especially proud of. We collected them here, let these help your decision on working with us.

Cookie Notice WordPress Plugin
When showcasing the development and usage of WordPress plugins, usually we stick to the programming details. It is important to note though that there are certain examples where the focus point is not on the technicality. Here, the very birth of the example comes from a theoretical or even an everyday problem in which the developer, while not being able to articulate a perfect solution, has a possible reply on the question ‘how else could this be done?’.
OAuth2 Server and Client WordPress Plugin
By default, there are two basic cases for a developer to start working on a theme, or project if you like. First of all, there can be a direct customer requirement where we have to satisfy the request of a client, that is, either create a new website for them or assist them with a part of their site to solve a problem they cannot rectify on their own. Secondly, there are cases when one tries to solve a problem already existing within one’s own realm – where we know that this can come up several times in the future and this way we can save a lot of time proactively. There is a third case too, though seldom as obvious as the above mentioned examples. Here the two cases are interconnected and can help both the developer and the future clients. A prime example of this is the OAuth2, a tool that provides a solution for long-standing challenges.